Saturday 22 March 2014

Indie Author Respect!

It has been a month since I hit publish and released Silver Lining to the world. Until recently I had never truly appreciated all that is involved in becoming an indie author. When I was happily content with 1-clicking my chosen books and then sitting back, a coffee in hand, getting lost in the amazing worlds these authors created for me, I was blissfully oblivious. Now I am one of those indie authors, I can honestly say how much I appreciate and respect the hard work of each and every person who has put pen to paper. This business isn't just about taping away on a keyboard, it's putting hearts and souls into stories, self-discovery, opening yourself up to the unknown. Then you type 'The End' and a whole new set of challenges faces you, cover designing, editing, formatting, uploading, promoting, networking... it's never ending. It's time consuming, often frustrating and sometimes draining (both emotionally and on the bank account!), but you now what? I love it!

I know I will probably never be a best selling author, I'm competing in an already over-saturated market, but I'm okay with that. I never started writing with that goal in mind. When I started writing Silver Lining I had no intention of publishing it, so to have sold the number of copies I have, and received the positive feedback I have, I feel, with this one at least, that I have achieved so much.

I now have to perform a balancing act of promotion, writing the sequel, being a mum and homeowner and performing my day job duties. It's tough! Know what, though? I wouldn't change a thing! I have met some amazing people, people like me releasing or recently released their debut's too, strangers who have read Silver Lining and enjoyed it, and then there are the awesome bloggers. I cannot sing high enough praises for the hard working, selfless people who are happy to post details about my unknown book alongside those of some amazing authors. It truly does humble me with the way I have been accepted by so many, no questions, they are just happy to share the love of books.

There are some not so nice sides of this too, but thankfully I have not been subjected to them so I won't dwell on them. I just wanted to put it out there that there is so much more to self publishing than most realise, and I, now more than ever, thank each and every author for what they do.

So next time you 1-click take a second to contemplate the work that has gone into that book and enjoy!

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