Sunday, 2 March 2014

Crazy Whirlwind

Time for an update:

Since my last blog post things have been crazy busy. Silver Lining went live slightly earlier than anticipated so I spent the evening of Thursday 20th Feb in a bit of a daze. It was out there, MY book was out there for the world to see... CRAZY!

Since it's launch I've been busy doing the Social Media networking thing, it's the only way people are going to find out about Silver Lining and hopefully purchase it.

So far I'm happy with sales but I have nothing to compare it too so I guess only time will tell. In all honesty though, this isn't about the sales, this was about a girl, a fairly quiet, inhibited girl, that decided to go beyond her comfort zone and put herself out there on public display. And boy am I glad I did. This whole writing thing has opened up so many doors for me, and has introduced me to so many wonderful people that I wouldn't have met otherwise. And it's only going to get better!

After a bit of a blip with writing Silver Dove, the sequel to Silver Lining, I finally got back on the wagon yesterday and managed to get past the little road block I had going on there. Lets hope it's plain sailing now until the end. Although with a few twists and turns planned, I highly doubt it!

Let me leave you with some quotes from some of the wonderful reviews Silver Lining is receiving:

"This book will have you hooked and draw you in pretty fast, with some emotional and humorous parts, it is the perfect book." 5* - Summer Clark

"you have written this story extremely well, it has some sad parts and some very happy parts. You kept up with the emotion and makes the reader feel it as we read.

All in all a jolly good book.. :)" 4* - Kaprii Two Ordinary Girls and their books review

"a great book well written makes you laugh and cry trough out the story. love the characters . would reccomend it." 5* - Chris Donald

"was given this book for an honest review.. I thought it was really good and funny. very enjoyable read and just enough angst put in the book. a very good job done by the author and for it being their debut book well done. I enjoyed the book but it did take a couple chapters to hook me. but once I made it through those chapters I really enjoyed it. I really like the main female in the book
cant wait to read the next one." 4* - Rennee McKinney

And here are the links if you would like to purchase it:

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