Thursday, 2 January 2014

Thought Processes

Does anyone else do their best thinking in the shower or is it just me?  Picture this is you will ... actually no don't it’s not a pretty sight.

So anyways, whilst lathering up my hair this very morning I did some pretty damn impressive thinking in a short space of time. So as a way to get this blog off and running I thought why not share those thoughts with you all.

This past 12 months has been a difficult time for me. Last January my lovely mum left us for the lush new pastures of heaven leaving me somewhat at a loss. I miss her everyday but still can’t comprehend that she has gone. I through myself into reading more and more to block out everyday life and lost myself in the dramas and highs of some wonderful fictional characters. In September when the idea of Silver Lining came into my head – yes I was in the shower – I never truly believed it would become what it did. I thought I’d get down the first paragraph and that would be that. But the more I typed, the more I got into the story and when I typed the words “The End” on 7th December I couldn't believe it, I laughed, I cried and I couldn't get rid of the stupid grin off my face for days. It’s all thanks to the encouragement of some amazing friends and the support of my neglected partner and son that I persevered and finished with a 94k word novel. I also believe mum was watching down on me encouraging me along when things went slow and I went a couple of weeks without typing a word, so thank you mum. I will be dedicating the book to her and in fact a scene in the book is inspired by the events that lead to my mum and dad first getting together. I’ll let that little secret out of the bag soon.

So on to thought 2.

I have been told that I have changed. Apparently I am no longer the timid, meek little mouse I was just over a year ago. I’m in a job I hate but yet apparently I am a stronger and more confident person. I can only put that down to reading about so many sassy characters, I guess after a while their ways rub off on you. I also think that maybe I am finally trying to discover who the real me is. Hmmm may or may not ring a bell if/when you read Silver Lining. So it dawned on me this morning that with this new persona of mine in place I need to truly discover who she is and make her the best person she can be. So as of today (I know, I know I say it every year) I am determined to shift the extra few *ahem* pounds and become “Emma the Author” – why did I have some superhero announcers voice running through my head when I typed that? So anyway, wish me luck and if you see me with a choc bar in my hands please yell at me to back away.


I already have the story plotted out in my head for “Silver Forever” the sequel to “Silver Lining” and just need to start writing. I have also had 2 other stories rumbling about in the old grey matter that I am eager to start too. Anyway this morning, like a light bulb moment, I realised how my third book, which I am contemplating calling “Near To You”, fits into the Silver stories and so can be a spin off from those. It also gives me another chance for a bit more Craig and Amber. They really are my babies.

I also thought about my next steps to getting Silver Lining out there in the stratosphere so today I will be looking at getting the cover done so I can, hopefully, do a big reveal and also send the manuscript off to an editor to tidy up for me. As my first I am sure there are lots of errors and stuff that needs working on, but everyone has to start somewhere right? I can only but learn from my mistakes and that will hopefully make Silver Forever that much better.

Okay this is turning into a novel in its own right so I shall leave it there for now.

My thought for the day: Live for today, you don’t know what tomorrow holds.

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