Monday, 23 June 2014

Big news... no MAJOR news!!!!

It is a well know fact that I am not very good with blogging. I'm on Facebook all the time, like 24/7 but I never blog. Well unless I have some major news I need to shout to the rooftops about. Today I do have such news! I have just signed up to do my very first author signing in March 2015, in Peterborough in the UK.

This is a MAJOR thing for me to do and I nearly didn't sign up. I mean, who wants to bother with the unknown sitting in the corner? Readers, that's who. Isn't that what these events are about? Meeting some of your favourites (did I mention Jodi Ellen Malpas will be there? ... Totally fan girling) and discovering new.

I'm super excited to be a part of this. To have the chance to speak with readers face to face and discuss my book(s), and then rub shoulders with some other amazingly talented authors to chat about this writing/book world that has consumed me, that is priceless.

So, I am putting my fears to one side and jumping on the signing wagon. If you are around on March 14th 2015 why not add the event to your calendar?

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