Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Teaser Tuesday & other stuff!

What a roller coaster ride I am on at the moment! 

After a bit of a meltdown last week, where I whined to my wonderful 'Book Belle's', my beta readers, that I was going to woos out of this whole publishing thing. They gave me a good talking to and told me to shape up and get on with it. So after a day of berating myself and getting their encouragement, I got back on things ... big time!

First up I have decided a publication date: Friday, February 21st. Not long I know, but the final edits will be done soon, the cover is ready to go, so there is nothing stopping me.

Now I need to build interest, so I've been contacting several bloggers to help out, and they have been fantastic, doubling my Facebook followers in 24 hours. With their help the cover and synopsis for 'Silver Lining' will be revealed this Sunday, so be sure to come back and check the blog or my Facebook page.

Amazon are ready for my uploads for Kindle and to get paperbacks (yes, I may have squealed like a little girl when I saw I had an ISBN for it). 

And finally I have made more headway with Silver Dove. In the few chapters I have already written, I feel so much more confident and feel my writing is improving. Lets hope it stays that way!

For your pleasure, here's a bit of a teaser:


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